First Name
Last Name
Birthday (m/d)
What’s your motivation for wanting to be a volunteer at the Farmers on 57th Market Garden?
How does this volunteer opportunity fit into your future plans?
Specific Skills
In addition to field shifts, we seek other skills. Are you willing and able to help in other ways? Please check all that apply:
Infrastructure/Maintenance of farm structures eg trellis. Own tools very helpful!
Flower Bouquet arranging
Website / Online analytics
Craft/art practice related to gardening/farming that you are willing to teach to others
Musicians for informal music experiences in the farmspace
Transportation (bike/car) - we sometimes need helpers to put up posters along bike routes/ help pick up farm materials from around the Vancouver area
Other - offer what you are inspired to share with your community:
If "Other", please provide details:
What would be your top 3 learning objectives while taking part in the Urban Farming Learning Program?
We ask that our volunteers commit to a weekly shift, same day each week. Please indicate which day(s) you could be available to volunteer on a weekly basis March-October.
Mondays, 9am-3pm
Tuesdays, 9am-3pm
Wednesdays, 9am-3pm
Thursdays, 9am-3pm
Fridays, 9am-3pm
Saturdays, 10am-3pm
Sundays, 10am-2pm
Mon/Wed/Fri evenings eg 4-8pm
We know our volunteers have lives outside of farming! But, are you able to commit for the entire (rest of the) growing season March-October, give or take several weeks? Do you foresee any obstacles to fulfilling this commitment? Please indicate any known dates you will need away from the garden during the growing season
What is your gardening and/or food growing background?
How did you hear about this opportunity to volunteer with Farmers on 57th?
Word Of Mouth
Social Media
Poster/ Flyer
Google/ other search engine
What are your preferred pronouns? (Optional)
Please list any allergies you have that we need to be aware of